ESWM Programs and Ordinances


Bayombong as an institutional center with healthy, productive and empowered citizens living in an ecologically balanced and progressive community.

It is the mission of the municipal government to effectively and efficiently implement the 10-year municipal SWM plan.

  • Litter-free community 
  • Decrease incidence of environmentally-related disease 
  • 50-75% diversion of household waste from dumpsite
  •  Increase employment generation and income
  • Self-sustaining Solid Waste Management Program


  • Republic Act 9003 and its IRR 
  • Municipal Ordinance No. 05, s 2004 
  • Enforcement Plan (SB Res.No. 08-2006) 

SWM Status
  • Regular SWM meetings 
  • Approved SWM Annual Plan
  • Approved SWM Market Plan
  • Massive IEC campaign on waste segregation
  • No segregation, no collection scheme
  • Daily Shredding of Biodegradable wastes 
  • Reproduction and distribution of Flyers 
  • Site development of Ecology Park
  • Implementation of Enforcement Plan 

Enforcement Plan 

The insertion of enforcement plan to the municipal solid waste management ordinance was approved by the Sangguniang Bayan thru Resolution No. 008-2006 on January 30, 2006


Regular Enforcers- consist of SWM personnel of the SWM section of the MENRO, Sanitary Inspectors

Auxiliary Enforcers- consist of Barangay officials and Tanods

Volunteer Enforcers- consists of members of civil society organization (NGO,s, Youth groups, etc.) Institutions, purok officials, and other concerned citizens


Bayombong Ecological Solid Waste Management Ordinance (Ordinance No. 05 s. 2004)

  • Ensure the protection of public health and environment;
  • Utilize environmentally-sound methods and maximize the utilization of valuable resources and encourage resources conservation and recovery;
  • Set guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume reduction;
  • Ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste;
  • Strengthen the integration of ESWM and resources conservation and recovery topics into the academic curricula;
  • Implement local enforcement plan with barangays and other local government units, NGOs and private sectors;
  • Encourage greater private sector participation in solid waste management;
  • Institutionalize public participation in the development and implementation of integrated, comprehensive and ecological waste management programs; and
  • Promote research and development programs for improved solid waste management.


  The segregation of solid waste shall be mandatory. Segregation shall primarily conducted at the source to include household, institutional, industrial, commercial and agricultural sources. (Art. 4, Sec. 5)


   Solid waste shall be segregated into the following categories: (Art. 4, Sec. 6)
  1. Compostable or Biodegradable;
  2. Recyclable;
  3. Residual;
  4. Special Waste

   The receptacles shall be properly covered, secured, or protected to prevent spillage or scattering of the waste and ensure its containment. (Art. 4, Sec. 7)


    The owner or person in charge of premises containing six (6) or more residential units shall provide for the residents a designated area and containers in which to accumulate source separated recyclable materials for collection. In addition, such owner or person in charge shall notify the residents or occupants of such premises of the requirements of segregation. (Art. 4, Sec. 8)


     The owners or heads of all commercial, institutional and industrial establishments shall provide a designated area and containers in which to accumulate source separated recyclable materials for collection. In addition, such owner or head of the institution shall notify all workers, employees and entities working in the premises of the requirements of segregation. No scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated segregation containers or areas shall be allowed. ( Art. 4, Sec. 8)


   In addition to the Municipal MRF, Materials Recovery Facilities shall be established in the barangays or clusters of barangays. The barangay MRFs shall be established and operated in accordance with the strategy and guidelines prescribed in the municipal ISWM plan. Likewise, the minimum requirements for establishment and operation prescribed in RA 9003 and its IRR shall be complied with. (Art. 4, Sec.8)


    Only segregated wastes and only the types of waste that are scheduled for collection on a particular day and time shall be collected. (Art. 7, Sec. 15)
    All wastes for collection must be stored in properly sealed/tied receptacles and brought outside households, institutions, commercial and industrial establishments and other sources during collection time only. Otherwise, the presence of these wastes outside of the scheduled collection time will be considered as a violation of the anti-littering provision of this ordinance. (Art. 7, Sec. 16).


a. Clean and Green Contests - the municipality shall conduct an annual local clean and green contest at the purok and barangay levels. The MPDC shall develop the mechanics for this contest following the mechanics used in the present national clean and green contest.
b. Other incentives (tie ups / linkages with other agencies)


    Environmental fees shall be imposed and collected from all sources of solid waste. The fees collected shall form part of the MSWM Fund.


Single detached unit - P 35.00
Multiple units/apartment style - P 35.00/unit
Other types of units such as condominiums - P 35.00/unit


Banks, Hotels - P 110.00
Memorial Parks - P 110.00
Churches, chapels and other religious institutions - P 110.00
Public and private schools, resorts - P 200.00
Agro-industrial establishments - P 110.00
Commercial establishments - P 110.00
Establishments generating special wastes - P 150.00


(Sources of Waste / Schedule of Payment)
Households / Monthly
Institutions / Quarterly, semi-annual, annual
Agro-industrial establishments  / Quarterly, semi-annual, annual
Commercial establishments  / Quarterly, semi-annual, annual
Establishments generating special wastes  / Quarterly, semi-annual, annual
Note: For late payments, a surcharge of two percent (2%) per month of delay shall be imposed.


  The fees imposed shall be subject to a ten percent (10%) increase after five (5) years. Any subsequent increase or decrease shall be made through an appropriate ordinance enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan based on results of assessments or studies conducted for the purpose.


  1. Littering and throwing of garbage in public and private places;
  2. Non-segregation of solid waste at source;
  3. Unscheduled bringing out of waste;
  4. Unauthorized dumping of solid waste at the disposal facility;
  5. Transport of solid waste without nets or covering materials on the collection vehicles;
  6. Burning of waste.

First Offense - P500.00 fines or 16 hours community service at the dumpsite/MRF or blood donation of 250 cc.
Second Offense - P 1,000.00 or 24 hours community service at the dumpsite/MRF or blood donation of 500 cc.
Third Offense - P 2,500.00 or 40 hours community service at the dumpsite/MRF or blood donation of 500 cc.
Fourth Offense - Imprisonment of one (1) month but not more than six (6) months at the discretion of the court.

  1. Apprehension
  2. Issuance of Citation Tickets
  3. Payment of fine or rendering of community service depending on prescribed penalty
  4. Filing of case in court, if necessary.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Vizcaya
Municipality of Bayombong


Series of 2005


WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9003 provides for an ecological solid waste management, creates the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declares certain acts prohibited and provides penalties for violations;

WHEREAS, in compliance with the provisions of RA 9003, the Municipality of Bayombong has prepared its 10-year solid waste management plan for implementation at all levels.

WHEREAS, the municipal government of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya finds the urgent need to define and coordinate the SWM efforts within the municipal compound and to other offices with jurisdiction of the municipal government to ensure compliance with the municipal solid waste management program and the provisions of RA 9003,

NOW THEREFORE, I, JOHN SEVERINO G. BAGASAO, Mayor, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby promulgate this executive order.

Section 01.      Definition of Terms. For the purposes of this Executive Order:

1.      Biodegradable waste shall refer to compostable waste such as food waste, grass and tree trimmings, animal manure and the like;
2.      Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)-includes a solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center, and a composting and a recycling facility;
3.      Offices shall refer to all offices whether municipal, national or private holding office within the municipal compound and other offices with jurisdiction of the municipal government;
4.      Parks shall to refer to the Rizal Park;
5.      Receptacles shall refer to individual containers used for the source separation of solid wastes such as boxes for waste paper, plastic cans with cover for other types of recyclable, compostable, residual and special waste;
6.      Recyclable material shall refer to any waste material that can be converted into suitable beneficial use or  for other purposes, including, but not limited to, newspaper, office paper, scrap metal, corrugated cardboard/cartons, aluminum, glass, plastics, tin cans and other materials with market value;
7.      Residual waste shall refer to waste materials that are not biodegradable, recyclable or special waste. These are waste materials destined to the disposal facility such as sando bags, composites, straws, Styrofoam and the like; and
8.      Special waste shall refer to hazardous wastes such as paints, thinners, lead-acid batteries, spray canisters and the like;

Section 02. Declaration of Policies. It is hereby declared the policy of the Municipal Government of Bayombong to adopt and implement an Integrated Solid Waste Management Program (ISWMP) with in the municipal hall compound and to all other offices with jurisdiction of the municipal government, which shall:

1.      Ensure the general cleanliness through proper waste management in the cited offices;

2.      Utilize environmentally-sound methods that maximize the utilization of valuable resources and encourage resources conservation and recovery;

3.      Ensure the proper segregation, storage, collection, and adoption of  best  practices on solid waste management;

4.      Strengthen the conduct of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) on integrated solid waste management and resources conservation and recovery in the different offices and the public in order to promote environmental awareness and action among employees and visitors; and

5.      Implement the Municipal ISWM Program in the different offices, gymnasium and parks.

Section 03. Creation of Municipal ISWMP Committee. There shall be a Municipal ISWM  Program Committee created and composes of the following:

            Chairperson        :       Atty. John Severino G. Bagasao
            Co-Chairperson  :       Engr. Johnson G. Termines  
Members             :        All Heads of Offices, MTC, PNP, BFP Comelec, DILG, Butel                   and Nuvelco. 

Section 04. Designation of a municipal solid waste management program coordinator. There shall be a municipal solid waste management coordinator to be designated.

Section 05. Solid Waste Management Functions. The following functions shall be performed by the:
Program Coordinator
1.      Facilitates/Ensure the implementation of the following:
1.1 Establishment of receptacles per office.
     1.2 Enforcement of proper segregation per office.
     1.3 Enforcement of segregated collection & transport of waste from source to      storage bins
     1.4 Segregated waste for collection are placed in sacks.
     1.5 General cleanliness of the Municipal Hall compound
2.      Assist the head of offices in the conduct of IEC  within their respective offices
3.      Conducts monitoring and  supervision.

Team Leader ( ISWM Committee)
1.      Facilitate the preparation of Municipal LGU Compound ISWM plan;
2.      Ensure the implementation of functions and responsibilities of the ISWM committee;
3.      Facilitate the conduct of regular meetings; and]
4.      Submit required reports to the Mayor through the Municipal Solid Waste Management Coordinator.

Assistant Team Leaders
1.      The Assistant Team Leaders from MHO & MEO shall provide/facilitate technical expertise in the implementation of the ISWMP.

2.      The Assistant Team Leaders shall provide/facilitate assistance/innovations in establishing and sustaining the cleanliness with in the municipal compound for replication.
All Heads of Offices
1.      Ensure the provision of appropriate receptacles with in his/her office;
2.      Ensure proper waste segregation; and
3.      Ensure the implementation of the ISWMP in their areas of responsibility;
4.      Ensure the transport and disposal of segregated waste from office to the storage bins.
Officer of the Day (Information)
1.      Ensure the proper dropping of segregated wastes into the storage bins from all  sources;
2.      Supervise the proper use of the cigarette butt receptacles;
3.      Provide IEC on SWM to clients/visitors entering the municipal hall;
4.      Monitor the cleanliness of the hall.

Manager of Catering Services
1.      Ensure the implementation of not using throw away materials such as plastic straws for beverages, plastic forks/spoons, Styrofoam, and the like except when participants exceed three hundred;
2.      Ensure the provision of appropriate receptacles;
3.      Ensure proper waste segregation;
4.      Ensure the cleanliness of the venue after the meeting/occasion.

The Municipal ISWM Program Committee
1.      Preparation and submission to the Mayor for approval a Municipal LGU Compound ISWMP two weeks after the effectivity of this EO;
2.      Formulation, review and refinement of operations procedures and enforcement of the ISWMP subject to approval of the Mayor;
3.      Formulation, review and refinement of incentives and control systems to reinforce the proper practice of solid waste management subject to the approval of the Mayor;
4.      Conduct of information, education and communication campaigns including necessary trainings and orientations.
5.      Conduct monthly monitoring of the actual implementation of the ISWMP;
6.      Prepare and submit quarterly report and performance status to the Mayor for his information, ready reference and proper action;
7.      Conduct regular meeting.

Municipal Solid Waste Management Office (MPDO)
1.      Prescribe the appropriate receptacle for each type of waste for implementation by the different heads of offices;
2.      Monitor and evaluate implementation of the ISWMP.

Section 05.      General Guidelines
  1. The reduction and segregation of solid waste shall be mandatory. Segregation shall primarily be conducted at the source to include offices, conference rooms, jail, motor pool, rest rooms, gymnasium, courts and parks RHU, Slaughterhouse, etc;
  2. Reduction in the use of plastic straws, Styrofoam and other “throw away” materials shall be observed within the compound and in other municipal government offices with jurisdiction of the municipal government;
  3. The solid waste generated within the compound shall be segregated into the following categories;
    • Compostable or Biodegradable (food waste, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, wet paper, animal manure, etc)
    • Waste paper (dry newspaper, used bond papers, magazines and other types of paper except carbon paper)
    • Other Recyclable (bottles, hard plastics, metals and others non biodegradable with market value)
    • Residual waste (sando bags, Styrofoam, straws, composites and the like)
    • Special Waste (empty container of paints, thinner, household batteries, spray canisters and the like)
    • For RHU- receptacles for infectious pathogenic and sharps shall be observed.

4.   Receptacle Requirements of Solid Waste.       The solid waste receptacle, depending on its use, shall be properly marked or identified for on-site collection as “Biodegradable”, “other recyclable”, “residual/special waste” and “wastepaper” The receptacles with the prescribed color of plastic bag liner shall be properly covered, secured or protected to prevent spillage or scattering of the waste and to ensure its containment;

5.   Materials Recover Facility (MRF).     The municipal government shall maintain and sustain its temporary MRF at the Municipal Cemetery Compound. The MRF will have two components: a) a composting facility, and b) a storage facility for recyclable and residual wastes. The operation of the MRF shall be in accordance with the strategy and guidelines prescribed in the Municipal SWM Ten-Year Plan Likewise, the minimum requirements for establishment and operation prescribed in RA 9003 and its IRR shall be complied with;

6.   Collection. Segregated collection and transport of solid waste shall be mandatory and shall be undertaken in accordance with the guidelines and mechanisms prescribed in the SWM Ten- Year Plan of Bayombong. The minimum requirements prescribed in RA 9003 and its IRR shall likewise be complied with. The information on collection of solid waste such as the schedule, types of waste to be collected and other relevant information shall be disseminated by the ISWM Committee different offices;

7.   Maintenance of Collection Vehicles.   To ensure proper maintenance and to avoid unnecessary breakdowns that eventually disrupt the collection system, collection vehicles shall undergo regular cleaning and maintenance. For this purpose, the existing motor pool shall be utilized;

8.   Transport.       The collected recyclable, residual and biodegradable waste shall be transported directly to the MRF;

9.  Information, Education and Communication. An IEC program shall be implemented by             the ISWMP Committee in the Municipal ISWM Programs.

Section 06.      Prohibited Acts. In addition to the prohibitions contained in the above provisions, the following acts are likewise prohibited:

1.      Littering and throwing of garbage in public places other than designated receptacles;
2.      Non-segregation of solid waste at source according to type;
3.      Burning and dumping of solid waste within the premises of the municipal compound.
Section 07.      Penalties. All violations of this order shall render the violator liable for VIOLATION OF REASONABLE OFFICE RULES AND REGULATIONS as per CSC Guidelines without prejudice to the filing of other charges prescribed under RA 9003 and other existing laws and ordinances. The following procedure shall be observed in case of violation of this order:

  1. Apprehension
  2. Issuance of citation tickets
  3. Filing of report at Municipal SWM Office for LGU employees
  4. Application of prescribed fines and penalties, if warranted
  5. Filing of case in court, if necessary

Section 08.      Enforcement. This Order shall be enforced by the Program Coordinator, heads of offices, members of the ISWMP Committee and the deputized enforcers.
Section 09.      Composition and Functions of Enforcers. The enforcers will consist of the following :
a.       Program Coordinator;
b.      PNP;
c.       Utility workers of other LGU offices.
d.      Security guards

Among the functions to be performed by the enforcers are the following:

1.      Apprehend violators of this EO and issue citation tickets.
2.      Prepare and submit weekly reports to the SWM Office (MPDO)
3.      Perform other related functions as may be assigned

Section 10.      Deputation. The process of deputation will start with the orientation of enforcers,  The Municipal SWM Coordinator/ISWMP Committee shall organize the orientations:

  1. Key Components of the ISWM Program;
  2. The provisions of this Order;
  3. Roles and functions of enforcers;
  4. Procedure for apprehension and issuance of citation tickets;
  5. Reporting requirements

Section 11.      Monitoring and Evaluation. Enforcement activities will undergo periodic monitoring and evaluation: The extent of compliance of the ISWM Program to include this EO will then be determined from such reports and from regular “feedbacking” sessions and among enforcers. The ISWM Program Committee will also consult with various offices to get their assessment and to identify with them areas for improvement.

Section 12.      Public Notification. The employees and workers of all offices including the public shall be regularly informed of acts performed and activities undertaken in connection with the implementation of the ISWM Program with in the Municipal LGU Compound including this Order. For this purpose, notices of such acts and activities shall be posted regularly in a bulletin board at the entrance of the municipal hall,  parks and in other areas frequented by the public.

Section 13.      Effectivity. This Order upon approval by the local chief executive of the municipality shall take effect immediately and shall remain in effect until revoked.

            Issued this 1st  day of April  2005.

Municipal Mayor